Learning more about what to plant, where to get it, what it supports, how to foster this development. If you plant things, and have a diverse ecosystem, it will enrich life more in the moment and future. You will support new insects, moths, birds, caterpillars that you haven’t seen before, that are at risk of losing their habitat by growing native flowers, trees, and shrubs.
It is Earthly needs, to go out into nature, and envision it in my dreams. The comfort, interest, and awe has always been there in nature, and carrying the feeling with me, because I always need it. Being in the presence to see and learn. Listening what are the differences of everything. Learning how to identify plants and trees from looking at them, then trying to remember. Over time it becomes a part of you, but I never get tired of looking, of the anticipation of something that is going to happen, of the care, and love that I give and receive.
I believe there is a connection between the native plants and the world I live, that is larger than them and myself, and connected to the universe and woman nature. I am trying to learn about this, and understand it more. But I don’t grasp it all, it’s overwhelming to try to understand it in relation to everything, or maybe it’s hard to explain in words.
Something difficult is I go out and draw things that are happening right now, that day, whatever, what I’m looking at, and watching. I get a vision or idea of color, colors, a drawing I want to paint. By working on a painting, there is a difference between the real thing, the drawing, and the painting. The feeling and presence from one to the other has to hold up through each medium. There is something beyond the thing itself that’s visual, spiritual, and physical. It’s a record of what happened when. It’s a record of how things happen. Something I love, and want you to see and love too.